About Me

  • “Empowering Safety, Sustainability and Compliance in Waste Management”

    At AWD Environmental, we team up with waste producers and contractors to improve safety and environmental performance. We're all about smart waste management, streamlined processes, and finding opportunities to boost compliance, recycling rates, and cost efficiency.

  • My name is Aaron McIntyre, and I am a waste management consultant specialising in both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. With a track record of success, I bring over two decades of extensive experience in the waste industry.

    Throughout my career, I have successfully established and managed a range of waste transfer stations equipped with diverse facilities, including effluent, sludge and oil treatment plants, tank farms, and bulk powder silos. In addition, I possess valuable expertise in overseeing the management of compost plants, landfills, and HWRCs (Household Waste Recycling Centres).

    One of my key strengths lies in working closely with a wide selection of waste producers, both small and large, offering comprehensive technical support. This includes advising on optimal waste management practices including storage, documentation, technical waste assessment, analysis and disposal routes.

    My objective is to use my knowledge and hands-on experience to work with waste producers and waste management companies. Together, we will enhance their safety and environmental performance by implementing effective waste management strategies, streamlining processes, and identifying opportunities for improvement in compliance, recycling rates, and cost savings.

    I am keen to make a positive impact within the waste management industry and drive sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

  • COTC Level 4 Transfer and Treatment of Hazardous Waste

    COTC Level 4 Transfer and treatment of Non-Hazardous Waste

    COTC Continuing Competence (renewed July 2023)

    NCRQ Level 6 - Applied Health and Safety Certificate

    IOSH Managing Safely

    ADR Awareness for Drivers certificate.